That All May Be One

I was brought up, for 22 years, in Catholicism before I was saved during my senior year of college. I religiously attended mass each week, and sometimes daily during special times of the year. However, I never seemed to know God or know what He wanted to do in my life. God was very objective and impersonal to me. However, during my senior year of college, a brother in Christ spoke to me about the Lord and used terms like enjoyment, experiential, and real. I had never heard anyone speak about the Lord in this way. Up to that time my concept was that God was to be worshipped, loved and revered. The possibility of God being enjoyable and experiential captured my attention. At first I still hesitated to open up, but when the brother told me about the Bible verse that says, “now is the well-acceptable time; now is the day of salvation,” (2 Corinthians 6:2b) I realized that I truly did want to know the Lord in a personal and enjoyable way.

Shortly after being saved, I met a dear sister in the Lord who cared for me and nourished and cherished me in the Word of God. I eventually began to realize in my own experience that the Lord did love me very much, that He was enjoyable, and that I could know Him daily simply by calling on His Name. I then had the opportunity to attend a Christian conference with other believers from the New England area and during the conference the Lord revealed to me that all the members of the Body of Christ are one. The reality of our oneness is Christ Himself. Praise the Lord that we are one with all Christians throughout the earth because our oneness is not some outward form but, in reality, is the Christ within.

I have enjoyed this oneness for almost 21 years and know that it will never change, because Christ Himself is our oneness. Praise the Lord that I am one, not only with all the believers in the local churches, but also with every genuine, born again Christian on the face of the earth. The Lord has truly made us all one.


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